new_measureregions CMeasureRegions:Attach


The Add mehod adds a region to the collection and draws it on the image. The Measure Regions toolbar is opened on the target image window, if not already open, to facilitate working with the regions (mark, move, and delete regions, etc.). The collection is owned by the image window. See the Mira Pro x64 User's Guide for details about the MeasureRegions feature.


C = CMeasureRegions:Add( Image, tblData )

bullet.gif    Adds a region with properties defined by RegionParams and coordinates passed in a 1-dimensional array.

C = CMeasureRegions:Add( Image, tblDataX, tblDataY )

bullet.gif    Adds a region with properties defined by RegionParams and coordinates passed in two 1-dimensional arrays with values that are numbers.

bullet.gif    tblData is a table of x and y as described in Remarks, below.

bullet.gif    tblDataX and tblDataY contain separate x and y coordinates.

bullet.gif    Returns true on success, and false on failure.


This method supports two strategies for defining regions based on storing coordinates in a 1-dimensional arrays. You can use either one that is convenient:

bullet.gif    Use one array containing the points [1], [2], [3], etc., as in { x[1], y[1], x[2], y[2], x[3], y[3], ... }.

bullet.gif    Use two arrays, one for x coordinates and the other for y coordinates. The points [1], [2], [3], etc., are then stored as { x[1], x[2], x[3], ... } and { y[1], y[2], y[3], ... }.


The following script creates a new CMeasureRegions object, attaches an image window and an image, then adds two regions to the image using the two strategies described above, under Remarks.

R = new_measureregions()

-- create a new CMeasureRegions



Params =

 -- RegionParams properties to change



  bSetColor = true,


  sColor = "0,255,0",


  bSetLineThk = true,


  nLineThk = 1.5,


  bSetCentroid = true,


  bCentroid = true,








V = attachlist_imageview()

-- attach an image window

Assert( V, "No image window")

 -- exit if no image window

-- grab an image from the window, V


if V:Count() > 1 then


  I = CImage:AttachFromList( V )

-- pick an image from the CImageView V

  Assert( I, "No Images available")

 -- exit if no image



  I = V:GetImage()

-- pick the only image in the window





-- create regions centered on the image:


-- first, get the image center coordinates


yc = I:Cols() / 2


xc = I:Rows() / 2




-- create a region using one x,y table


tblData = {}

-- create a table for x and y coordinates

tblData[1] = xc - 200


tblData[2] = yc + 50


tblData[3] = xc + 150


tblData[4] = yc + 220


tblData[5] = xc + 280


tblData[6] = yc - 100


tblData[7] = xc - 100


tblData[8] = yc - 80


R:Add( I, tblData )

-- draw the marker



-- create a region using separate x, y tables


tblDataX = {}

-- creaste a table for x coordinates

tblDataX[1] = xc - 50


tblDataX[2] = xc + 250


tblDataX[3] = xc - 150


tblDataX[4] = xc + 120


tblDataY = {}

-- create a table for y coordinates

tblDataY[1] = yc + 180


tblDataY[2] = yc + 60


tblDataY[3] = yc - 100


tblDataY[4] = yc + 200


R:Add( I, tblDataX, tblDataY )

-- draw the marker

Related Topics

CMeasureRegions class



RegionParams Table


Mira Pro x64 Script User's Guide, Copyright Ⓒ 2024 Mirametrics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.