CImageView:GetCursorStyle CImageView:SetCursorHeight


The SetCursorExtent method sets the extent of the image cursor in the CImageView. This differs from SetCursorRect in the argument list.


bResult = CImageView:SetCursorExtent( xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax )

bullet.gif    Thexmin, xmax, ymin, andymax values specify the cursor bounds, measured in pixel coordinates.

bullet.gif    On success, the method returns true.

bullet.gif    On failure, false is returned.


Assume that a CImageView object named V exists and refers to an image window. The following script sets the image cursor to an x-range of 50:150 and a y-range of 100:300. Notice that both values returned by R:Size() can be printed since it is the last parameter in the Printf argument list:


-- set the image cursor

R = V:GetCursorRect()

-- fetch the image cursor rectangle

Printf("W=%lg, H=%lg", R:Size())

-- Result: W=100, H=200

Related Topics

CImageView, CRect class, GetCursorRect, SetCursorRect, SetCursorWidth, SetCursorHeight

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