CImageView:GetImage CImageView:GetIndex


The GetImageSet method returns a new CImageSet that references the images displayed in the CImageView.


CImageSet = CImageSet:GetImageSet()

bullet.gif    On success, a new CImageSet is returned.

bullet.gif    On failure, nil is returned.


This method copies the image set from the CImageView class into a CImageSet object.


Suppose a CImageView exists with name V and that it displays 10 images. The following script copies the image set from the CImageView object V to a CImageSet object S:

Printf("V count= %d images", V:Count() )

-- result: V count= 10 images

S = V:GetImageSet()

-- returns a new CImageSet object, S

Printf("S count= %d images", S:Count() )

-- result: S count= 10 images

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