CImage:KwdSetHistory CImage:KwdSetStr


The KwdSetSect method formats a region section keyword and inserts it into the image header. An example of a region section keyword is BIASSEC, which has the format'[c1:c2,r1:r2]'.


CImage:KwdSetSect( sKwd, c1,c2,r1,r2 )

bullet.gif    sKwd is the keyword name

bullet.gif    c1, c2, r1, and r2 are the components to be written.


The region section is a string-value keyword with a special format. This method formats the 4 components into a region section string and then writes the string to the header. If the keyword name already exists, its value is overwritten by the new value.


Suppose a CImage named I exists. The following script sets the BIASSEC keyword to the region string '[1024:1043,1038:1050]':

c1 = 1024 ; c2 = 1043

-- column bounds

r1 = 1038 ; r2 = 1050

-- row bounds


-- set the FILTER keyword

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CImage class


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