CImage:KwdSetComment CImage:KwdSetHistory


The KwdSetDate method inserts a date value string into the image header.


CImage:KwdSetDate( sKwd, sDate )

bullet.gif    sKwd is the keyword name

bullet.gif    sDate is a string specifying a date in the proper format.


This method inserts into the image header a date keyword such as DATE-OBS or another DATExxxx type keyword. If the keyword name already exists, its value is overwritten by the new value.


Suppose a CImage named I exists. The following script sets a standard format DATE-OBS keyword in the header:

d = "2004-02-24"

-- time is 24 Feb 2004 in GMT

I:KwdSetDate("DATE-OBS", d)

-- set the DATE-OBS keyword

Related Topics

CImage class


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