CHistogram:SetBinAuto CHistogram:SetBinWidth


The SetBinCount method forces an exact number of bins to be placed between the specified minimum and maximum data values. The bin width is calculated to meet this condition.


CHistogram:SetBinCount( nCount, nMinVal, nMaxVal )

bullet.gif    nCount is the number of bins to use.

bullet.gif    nMinVal is the minimum data value used for the histogram.

bullet.gif    nMaxVal is the maximum data value used for the histogram.


This method is used to create an exact number of histogram bins. If the data all have integer values, then nCount, nMinVal, and nMaxVal should be chosen so that the bin width is also an integer value. See the Remarks for the SetBinAuto method for a discussion of histogram aliasing. If you do not call one of the SetBin methods, Mira defaults to this binning option.

Related Topics

CHistogram Class, SetBinAuto, SetBinWidth

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