CGridView:GetCellEnd CGridView:GetCol


The GetCellStart method returns the column and row where the mouse button was last pressed to mark a cell or begin a selection. If no cell was marked by a mouse press, then it returns -100, -100. This method returns 1-based column and row grid coordinates. It may be used both when a grid is attached from a script and when a script is called from the grid.


nColumn, nRow = CGridView:GetCellStart()

bullet.gif    Where nColumn and nRow are 1-based grid coordinates of the cell where the mouse was pressed.


The following script attaches a grid window and returns the location where the mouse button was released:

G = attach_gridview()

-- attaches the top-most grid window from Mira

nCol, nRow = G:GetCellStart()

-- return the column and row where the moue was pressed.

Related Topics

CGridView class



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