CColorRef:delete CColorRef:Invert


The Get method returns the red, green, and blue color components as numbers in the range 0 to 255.


R, G, B = CColorRef:Get()

bullet.gif    On success the 3 color components R, G, and B are returned.

bullet.gif    On failure, this method returns 0, 0, 0.


The following script returns the 3 color components. In this example, C:Get() is the last (or only) argument to Printf, so all 3 returned values can be obtained within the call to Printf:

C = new_colorref()

-- create a new CColorRef


-- set to orange

Printf("Color: %d,%d,%d", C:Get() )

-- result: Color: 255,100,0

Related Topics

CColorRef, Set, ChoosePal

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