attachlist_plotview new_plotview


The attach_plotview_by_name function attaches a plot window from the Mira desktop to a CPlotView object by matching the plot window's title. The new CPlotView object is returned. This is a global function that is not a member of the CPlotView class.

This function is useful for directly selecting a plot window from the Mira desktop without pausing the script to select it from a list. For example, the script might attach a plot window you created with a known title or a window that was created in a previous script. The window title can be saved and retrieved using a text file or the Windows Registry using the CRegistry class.


CPlotView = attach_plotview_by_name( sTitle )

bullet.gif    sTitle is the target window title.

bullet.gif    On success, a new CPlotView object is returned.

bullet.gif    On failure, nil is returned.


The following script attaches a plot window using a target name obtained from the Windows Registry. This name was previous saved under the key "plot window title" after using the CPlotView:SetTitle method to create a unique name. A new CPlotView object is returned if the plot window exists.

R = new_registry("plot stuff")

-- open the registry key "plot stuff"

sTitle = R.GetStr("plot window title", "No Title")

-- return a window title previously saved

V = attach_plotview_by_name( sTitle )

-- attach the named plot window

if V ~= nil then

-- if window was attached...

  Printf("Window named '%s': %p\n", sTitle, V )

-- print a success message



  Printf("Window not found\n")




Related Topics

CPlotView class

CRegistry class



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