ImExtractParams Table
The ImExtractParams table contains properties for controlling the CImExtract class. This table is passed to the CImExtract object when created using thenew_imextract() function or the CImExtract: new method. After creation, you can update any or all properties using SetParams to pass a CourseExtParams table to the object. Only the properties you specify are changed.
The CImExtract method is initialized with a default set of properties, as listed in the table below.
set any properties to non-default values at creation time, pass the
ImExtractParams table to new_imextract or CImExtract:new.
change any of the properties after creation, set the target
property names and values in an ImExtractParams table and
pass it to CImExtract:SetParams. Only the properties in the table are
The table below describes the properties of the ImExtractParams. These default values are used when a CImExtract object is created.
Property |
Default |
Description |
Processing Flags |
bProcBackground |
true |
Set this flag true to determine the background value. Also set the Background Properties below. |
bProcDetect |
true |
Set this flag true to control the comparison between source pixels and the background. Also set the Detection Properties below. |
bProcFilter |
true |
Set this flag true to filter the raw list of detected sources to include only sources with certain properties in the final list. Also set the Filter Properties below. |
bProcPostProc |
false |
Set this flag true to control the post-processing steps used in the analysis of extracted sources. Also set the PostProc Properties below. |
General Properties |
bProcVerbose |
true |
Set this flag true to provide verbose output during the extraction process. |
nProcGotoZoom |
8 |
Set this flag true to set the zoom value when using the "goto" function from the results grid. |
bProcWordwrap |
false |
Set this flag true to use wordwrap in the text editor where the extraction results are listed. |
sProcReportSize |
"500,250" |
Set this string to the width and height of the report grid where results are listed. See the format shown in the default value at right. |
nProcOutputMode |
0 |
Selects the location where extraction results are displayed: 0: No output 1: Send to a report window 2: Send to a text file |
bProcRenumber |
false |
Set this flag true to renumber sources remaining after source rejection from the filtering stage. |
Background Properties |
bProcUseCursor |
false |
Controls whether the source exctraction is performed within the cursor rectangle (used when script is lauched from a CImageView). |
nBgStatsEdge |
2 |
Percent of the image to avoid. |
nBgMethod |
0 |
Selects the method for calculating the background: 0: nBgMethodSigma 1: nBgMethodPoly 2: nBgMethodValue |
nBgCoefsX |
1 |
Coefficients of the background fit in the x direction. This is limited to the range 1 through 10. |
nBgCoefsY |
1 |
Coefficients of the background fit in the y direction.This is limited to the range 1 through 10. |
nBgSampleX |
24 |
Number of background samples in the x direction. This is limited to the range 1 through 24. |
nBgSampleY |
24 |
Number of background samples in the y direction. This is limited to the range 1 through 24. |
bBgUseRegion |
false |
Controls whether the background is fit inside a rectangle. |
nBgValue |
0 |
Specifies the background value when using nBgMethod = 2. |
Detection Properties |
nDetectTest |
0 |
A number that selects the method used to identify pixel values for inclusion in the source. Choose one of the following options for nDetectTest: 0: Pixel >= threshold value. 1: Pixel <= threshold value. 2: Pixel == threshold value. 3: Pixel ~= threshold value. |
nDetectMaxSources |
65535 |
The maximum number of sources to be allowed. This is limited to the range 1 through 100,000. |
nDetectUnits |
0 |
Selects the units used for detecting sources above the background: 0: nDetectUnitsSigmas 1: nDetectUnitsCounts |
nDetectSigmas |
10 |
Threshold signal for the source above the background value, measured in sigmas of the background noise. This is the number k, for k-sigma clipping. The value sigma (the background noise) is computed. If the background value is specified using nBgMethod = 2, both values are ignored. |
nDetectCounts |
50 |
Threshold signal for the source above background noise, measured in "counts" (or DN). |
nDetectMinX |
1 |
Minimum x coordinate (columns) for source detection. |
nDetectMaxX |
2 |
Maximum x coordinate (columns) for source detection. |
nDetectMinY |
1 |
Minimum y coordinate (rows) for source detection. |
nDetectMaxY |
2 |
Maximum y coordinate (rows) for source detection. |
Filtering Properties |
bFilterUseAreaMin |
true |
Set true fo filter by minimum source area. |
nFilterAreaMin |
1 |
Minimum source area, in pixels. |
bFilterUseAreaMax |
false |
Set true fo filter by maximum source area. |
nFilterAreaMax |
100 |
Maximum source area, in pixels. |
bFilterUsePeakLumMin |
false |
Set true fo filter by minimum source luminosity. |
nFilterPeakLumMin |
0 |
Minimum source luminosity in "counts" or DN. |
bFilterUsePeakLumMax |
false |
Set true fo filter by maximum source luminosity. |
nFilterPeakLumMax |
100 |
Maximum source luminosity in "counts" (or DN). |
bFilterUseEllipticityMin |
false |
Set true fo filter by minimum source ellipticity. |
nFilterEllipticityMin |
0 |
Minimum source ellipticity, 0 = circular. |
bFilterUseEllipticityMax |
true |
Set true fo filter by maximum source ellipticity. |
nFilterEllipticityMax |
0.3 |
Maximum source ellipticity, up to 0.999. |
bFilterUseSepMin |
false |
Set true fo filter by minimum source separation. |
nFilterSepMin |
5 |
Minimum separation of source centers, in pixels. |
nFilterSepMinMethod |
0 |
Selects the method used to remove sources that are too closely spaced according to the value of nFilterSepMin. Note: Options 1 and 2 depend on the additional property nFilterSepMinCompare. 0: Both sources are discarded. 1: The greater source is discarded. 2: The lesser source is discarded. 3: The next detected source is discarded. |
nFilterSepMinCompare |
0 |
Selects the comparison used for nFilterSepMinMethod = 1 or 2: 0: Total Luminosity 1: Net Luminosity 2: Area 3: Maximum Value 4: Ellipticity 5: Kurtosis 6: Standard Deviation |
nFilterEdgeMinPixels |
5 |
Minimum number of pixels for the source center from the image edge. |
PostProc Properties |
bPostProcSplit |
false |
Currently unused |
bPostProcCentroid |
false |
Currently unused |
bPostProcFwhm |
false |
Currently unused |
bPostProcApphot |
false |
Currently unused |
bPostProcDetectVar |
false |
Currently unused |
The script below changes 5 properties from their prior values. Note that you must use commas afer table values. Also, the boolean value true is euivalent to 1. The list() function is used after creation and after updating to show all the properties:
-- create a new CImExtract object |
-- list all the CImExtract properties |
-- do something with M |
-- declare the properties to change |
-- change a few parameters |
-- list the new CImExtract properties |
-- run the ImExtract pipeline |
CImExtract class, new, new_imextract, SetParams, Source Properties Table
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Inc. All Rights Reserved.