The new_array function is a non-class version of the CArray:new method which creates and returns a new CArray object.
A = new_array()
Default constructor. The new
CArray A has no elements.
A = new_array( CArray_old )
is a copy constructor. The new CArray A
is initialized to the properties of the CArray_old argument.
A = new_array( n, val )
new CArray A is initialized with
the first n elements having the same
value, val.
parameter val is optional and may be
any type of Lua value. If omitted, it defaults to 0.0.
The following example shows the default constructor and destructor pair:
-- create a new instance of A of the CArray class. |
-- other uses of the class go here, between new and delete. |
-- deletes the object and its associated memory. |
The next example shows the use of all 3 constructors: default, copy, and initialization:
-- initialization constructor |
-- modify the value of A at index 3 |
-- copy constructor |
-- default constructor |
-- define B indices 1, 2, 3 |
-- shows Copy constructor |
-- result: AdotB = 12 |
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