Opens a dialog for choosing from a bullet list.The GetItem function opens a dialog showing a list of items in a list box. This function returns the index of the selected item and the button that was clicked. All labels can be configured. This is similar to the GetItemStr function except that it returns the index of the selected string and not the string itself.
List box is shown open with 4 choices. |
nIndex, bOK = GetItem( sLabels )
nIndex, bOK = GetItem( sLabels, n )
nIndex, bOK = GetItem( sLabels, n, sPrompt )
nIndex, bOK = GetItem( sLabels, n, sPrompt, sTitle )
sLabels is
a string containing the list of item labels, separated by
n is the
index of the initial choice, beginning with 1. If nil, item 1 is initially
sPrompt is
the message above the list box. If nil, a default prompt is used.
sTitle is
the window title. If nil, a default title is used.
[OK] is clicked,
the function returns the selected string and bOK =
the dialog is canceled, "", false is
All arguments following sLabels are optional and assume default values after the last argument you specify. To use a default argument but follow it with a specified argument, use a nil in its place.
The items are specified as a single string using \n to separate the individual items. For example, to specify the labels as "First item" and "Second item", pass the sLabels argument as "First item\nSecond item".
The index of the choice is returned as nIndex, beginning at 1. If the User clicks [OK], then bOK = true. Otherwise, if the user clicks [Cancel], then bOK = false.
The window shown above was created using the following code. Note that the last 2 arguments, the prompt and the window title, were omitted and left to the defaults:
-- labels (4 lines concatenated by ..) |
-- initial choice is item 2 |
The following script shows how to accrue the label string by concatenation using the top heading titles of a CGridView. First, create a label string named str, then call GetItem to return the column of the selected title:
-- attach a grid from the desktop |
-- initialize the string |
-- for each grid column |
-- concatenate the title and \n |
-- open the dialog to select the column |
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