The FormatDmsStr function converts an angle string in Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds ("DMS") form into a properly formatted angle string. Use this function, for example, to convert "-54, 10, 21.6" to "12:14:15.600"
sDmsNew = FormatDmsStr( sDms )
sDms is the
string to be converted (e.g., "-54, 10, 21.6").
sDmsNew is
the properly formatted time string (e.g., "-54:10:21.6").
The input string may contain a variety of different field separators, including the following:
space, hyphen, colon, comma, slash, D. M, S, ", ', degrees symbol
Use this function to clean input strings and convert them into the standard format. The standard format string can be sent to other Mira functions expecting a properly formatted angle string.
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