PixelTypeToStr (replaces PixelTypeToStr)
The PixelTypeToStr function returns the pixel type name corresponding to the numeric pixel type code. For example passing 5 returns "float".
sValue = PixelTypeToStr( number )
the pixel type code from the Pixel Types table.
string is
the pixel type name from the Pixel Types table.
The script below shows how to create a text output window with a specified placement inside the main Mira window. We want the text window to stretch horizontally from 10% to 70% of the main window width and vertically from 20% to 60% of the main window height. Below is a function that does this:
-- pixel type number 5 |
-- get the corresponding name string |
-- result: type=5, name="float" |
StrToPixelType, CImage:SetPixelType, Pixel Types
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