The Add method adds a member at the end of the CValueSet object. Each member consists of a (key, value) pair. The value must be of type "number", "integer", "string", or "boolean" that matches the type of the CValueSet object. Otherwise, the value will be converted to the type of the object. The object type can be changed using the SetType method.
boolean = CValueSet:Add( key, number_value )
boolean = CValueSet:Add( key, integer_value )
boolean = CValueSet:Add( key, string_value )
boolean = CValueSet:Add( key, boolean_value )
the (key, value) pair at the end of the CValueSet object and
returns the index of the object or 0 on failure. The difference
between a number and an integer is determined by the type of the
The following example creates a CValueSet S and adds members to it:
-- constructor, default to values of type "number" |
-- add a key and value |
-- add a key and value |
-- add a key and value |
The following example uses the CValueSet reated above. It resets the type and then adds string values to the same object:
-- change the type to "string". S is automatically emptied. |
-- add a key and value |
-- add a key and value |
-- add a key and value |
CValueSet Class, SetAt, RemoveAt, InsertAt, SetAt
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