
The PlotStepLine method draws points in a new plot window. The points are drawn as stepped line segments. The line attributes are set in the "View > Default Properties > Image Plots" dialog. The related StepLine method takes its data from x and y tables rather than the CPlotView class data matrix.


CPlot = CPlotView:PlotStepLine()

CPlot = CPlotView:PlotStepLine( sX )

CPlot = CPlotView:PlotStepLine( sX, sY )

CPlot = CPlotView:PlotStepLine( sX, sY, sTitle )

CPlot = CPlotView:PlotStepLine( sX, sY, sTitle, sCaption )

bullet.gif    sX is the optional x axis label. If nil, a default is used.

bullet.gif    sY is the optional y axis label. If nil, a default is used.

bullet.gif    sTitle is the optional window title. If nil, a default is used.

bullet.gif    sCaption is the optional plot caption. If nil, a default is used.

Return value:

bullet.gif    CPlot is a new CPlot object attached to the current plot series. It is nil on failure.


The plot below shows a step-line plot without error bars. To add error bars, specify them in the call to the CPlotView:Add method. To plot the same data as a line plot, use the CPlotLine method. To plot the same data as a scatterplot with only markers, use the PlotScatter method. To draw both markers and line segments, use the PlotConnected method.


The plot above was created using the script below. The CImageView V was selected from a drop-list of all open image windows, and an image set was chosen. The header keyword AIRMASS was chosen for the x-axis. You could choose any keyword in the headers, or plot against some other value.


-- select an image view from open windows

V = attachlist_imageview()

-- Returns a reference V for the CmageView

Assert( V, "No Image views are open")

-- exit if V is nil


-- Get the keyword to plot

sKwd = "AIRMASS"

-- default keyword

sKwd, bOK = GetString( sKwd,"Keyword Name:")





-- loop over all images in the CImageView:

nStart = V:GetIndex()

-- save index of top image

for i = 1, V:Count() do



-- Change to the i-th image

 I = V:GetImage()

-- get a reference to the image at index i

 if I then

-- if the image is good (it should be!)

  x = i

-- x plot value is the image index.

  y = I:KwdGetNum(sKwd)

-- y plot value is the keyword value


-- add the point to the collection






-- reset the image window to the starting image



sCap = Sprintf("%s vs Image Index", sKwd )

-- Create caption above the plot for Overplot mode


-- plot points with X label, Y label, Title, and Caption

P:PlotStepLine( "Image Index", sKwd, "My Plot", sCap )

-- specify the title and other labels

Related Topics

CPlotView class, PlotConnected, PlotLine, PlotScatter, PlotPoints

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