The SetPlotAvgMode method sets the Plot Averaging Mode setting for the CImageView. This parameter controls the way that adjacent rows or columns are combined when plotting an "averaged" plot
CImageView:SetPlotAvgMode( nMode )
Commands such as PlotCursorRowAvg merge adjacent horizontal lines (rows) into a single plotted vector. The available modes are Mean, Median, and Sum, and Standard Deviation, as described in the table below.
Plot Averaging Modes
nMode |
Description |
1 |
Combines adjacent lines as the mean value at each pixel position. |
2 |
Combines adjacent lines as the median value at each pixel position. |
3 |
Combines adjacent lines as the sum over all lines at each pixel position. |
4 |
Combines adjacent lines as the standard deviation at each pixel location. |
CImageView, GetPlotAvgMode, PlotCursorRowAvg, PlotCursorRowAvg
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