The RgbMerge method creates a new RGB color image by merging R, G, and B channel images from the first 3 members of a CImageSet. Since all 3 images must have the same column and row dimensions, you may wish to use the DimEq method to test them before merging.
CImage = CImCombine:RgbMerge( CImageSet ) |
contains images for the R, G, and B channels, with the R image at
index 1, G at index 2, and B at index 3.
success, this method returns the merged RGB image as a new CImage.
failure, this method returns nil.
Suppose that 3 CImage objects exist with names R, G, andB. The following script creates a CImageSet and then merges these images into an RGB image:
-- create an image set to hold the images |
-- add R channel image to the image set at index 1 |
-- add G channel image to the image set at index 2 |
-- add B channel image to the image set at index 3 |
-- create a CImCombine object |
-- merge the channels and return the new RGB CImage |
-- delete S if no longer needed |
-- delete C if no longer needed |
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