New Features
The features below were added or revised during the last calendar year.
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Reminder: For class objects, the class methods are always specified using the colon operator whereas class properties are specified using the dot operator.
Changed the name "Datatype" to "PixelType"
improve consistency with the Mira GUI commands and documentation,
all forms of the words "Datatype" and "data type" used by images in
the script language were renamed to "PixelType" and "pixel type".
Also notice the change in upper/lower case characters for the word
"type" in method and function names, as in Datatype -->
PixelType. The term "data type" is still used by grids, such as in
the CGrid
class and GridView class.
Execute Script command was added to the menus for Image
Windows, Plot Windows, Report Windows,
Measurement Panes and other Grid Controls. See the
class descriptions for CImageView, CPlotView, and CGridView and
the corresponding window descriptions in the Mira Pro x64 User's Guide. Several sample
scripts named "Execute.... .lua" are provided to show
script execution from the Mira windows corresponding to the classes
listed above. These are launched using the Execute Script
Learn the to use the script language
and get sample code by opening and executing the many scripts
installed in the <Documents>/Mira Pro
x64 Data/Scripts/Samples folder. Numerous samples scripts
were added in version 8.60.
Date, Time, and Angle Functions (added a topic overview)
CGrid class (new)
CGridView class (new)
CFileList class (new)
Plotting Functions (added several non-class functions)
connect and connecterr functions (new)
histplot (new)
line and lineerr functions (new)
scatter and scattererr functions (new)
stepline and steplineerr functions (new)
Close method (new)
Connect method (new)
Line method (new)
Scatter method (new)
StepLine method (new)
PlotConnected changed return value
PlotLine changed return value
PlotScatter changed return value
PlotStepLine changed return value
PlotMatrixLine changed return value
PlotMatrixRangeLine changed return value
PlotMatrix changed return value
PlotMatrixRange changed return value
AddPoints changed return value
PlotImageCol changed return value
PlotImageRow changed return value
PlotPoints changed return value
Text Formatting Functions (topic overview)
Dialog Functions (topic overview)
Directory Functions (new topic overview and new directory functions)
Close method (new)
SaveUndo method (new)
Undo method (new)
SaveUndoAll method (new)
UndoAll method (new)
Update method (new)
UpdateAll method (new)
FiltBlockSum method was added to the script
PixelTypeStr fixed an internal bug.
PixelType fixed an internal bug.
Datatype, DatatypeStr,
and SetDatatype are now obsolete and should not be used in
future scripts.
GetWcsType method was added.
ToTable (new)
TableToRect (new)
TableToCol (new)
TableToRow (new)
ColToTable (new)
RowToTable (new)
RectToTable (new)
AlignWcs (new method)
AlignWcs2 (new method)
AlignWcs3 (new method)
nFilterSepMinMethod property
nFilterSepMinCompare property
CLabels class revisions
CLsqFit class (new)
CMeasureAngles class (new)
CMeasure Lines class (new)
CMeasurePoints class (new)
CMeasureRegions class (new)
CPlot class (new)
Close method (new)
CPoint class (new)
CStats class revisions
Added two versions of all estimator
methods that return the estimator and standard deviation. The
additional versions return only the estimator, e.g., CStats:Mean versus CStats:MeanSdev.
Added two versions of Min and
Max that return the estimator and its coordinates. The
additional methods return only the estimator, e.g., CStats:Min versus CStats:MinXy.
Close method (new)
CValueSet class (new)
Added a new discussion of Table and Array Functions
with emphasis on using the non-class array and table functions.
Added new topics for Array Functions and
Added 22 new Table Functions. Most
of these have the letter "n" appended to their name.
Added several new functions and
expanded the parameter options.
Added new versions of the mean
and median methods for arrays that previously returned both
the estimator and standard deviation. The new versions return only
the estimator, e.g., mean
versus meansdev.
Added new versions of the min
and max for arrays that previously returned the estimator
and its coordinates. The new functions return only the estimator,
e.g., min versus minxy.
Mira Pro x64 Script User's Guide, Copyright Ⓒ 2023 Mirametrics,
Inc. All Rights Reserved.