The GetText function opens a dialog to request a multi-line text string. If you click [OK], the entered text is returned.
sText, bOK = GetText()
sText, bOK = GetText( s )
sText, bOK = GetText( s, sPrompt )
sText, bOK = GetText( s, sPrompt, sTitle )
s is the
initial text string and may contain new lines separated using
\r\n pairs, If nil, a blank string is used.
sPrompt is
the message above the text field. If nil, a default prompt is used.
sTitle is
the window title. If nil, a default title is used.
[OK] is clicked,
the function returns the text and bOK=true.
the dialog is canceled, "",false is
All arguments are optional and assume default values beyond the last argument you specify. In order to use a default argument but follow it with a specified argument, use a nil in its place.
If the string uses multiple lines, the string should be formatting using the \r\n escape sequence (the so-called carriage return / line feed pair) to separate the lines.
The window shown above was created using the following code. The last argument, the window title, was omitted and left to the default:
-- text (concatenated by ..) |
-- text (concatenated by ..) |
-- text (end of string) |
-- prompt |
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