The new_findfiles function is a non-class version of the CFindFiles:new method which creates and returns a new CFindFiles object. The CFindFiles class iterates over files in a folder, fetching the names of files matching a template.
F = new_findfiles()
F = new_findfiles( sFolder )
F = new_findfiles( sFolder, sTemplate )
Three overloads are provided for this method. If you use the default constructor with no arguments, then the Open method must be called to set the folder where searching is to be done. If the folder and optional template are specified in the constructor, then the Open method need not be called before calling Next.
The following script lists files inside the folder specified by the string sFolder:
-- Create a new CFindFiles object |
-- Iterate to the next file |
-- list the current path name |
-- finished with this object |
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