The Init method sets the first n x m CMatrix members to the same value.
CMatrix:Init( n, m, value=0 ) |
n is the
number of rows to define.
m is the
number of columns to set.
value is
the target value to assign and may be a number, string, or other
value. If omitted, it defaults to the number 0.
This method first empties the CMatrix and then defines all matrix members at row indices 1 ... n and column indices 1 ... m. After Init, the Cols method returns m and Rows returns n.
The following script fills a matrix of 8 rows x 4 columns with the number -1.5:
-- create a CMatrix |
-- set first 32 members |
-- result: M[5][3] = -1.5 |
The next script initializes a 5x5 matrix to all 0's:
-- create a CMatrix |
-- set first 5 x 5 members to 0 |
-- result: M[3][3] = 0 |
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