Rectangle Filter
The Rectangle Filter applies a rectangular filter having uniform weights over the kernel. The Elliptical Filter also uses uniform weights but the weights have the shape of an ellipse rather than a rectangle.
The Rectangle Filter command opens from
the Image Window > Process >
Filters menu and button
on the Main Toolbar. The "immediate"
form, shown first, opens when an image or image set is displayed in
the top-most window. The general form can be used to select source
images from folders, windows, or by matching templates.
Rectangle Filter Properties
Profile [|>] |
Selects the parameter profile for this command and allows you to save or work with existing presets. |
[Select] |
Opens the Select Source Images dialog to choose images from an image window, folder, files, name template, or a Mira File List. |
Width |
Specifies the width of the Rectangle filter in terms of pixels along the horizontal (row) direction. |
Height |
Specifies the height of the Rectangle filter in terms of pixels along the vertical (column) direction. |
Source Region |
Specifies the rectangular region to be processed. The options are as follows: Entire image: The entire image is processed. Image Cursor: The region to be processed is selected using the Image Cursor. Rectangle: The region specified by Min and Max limits for Column and Row coordinates is processed. Column and Row, Min and Max: When Rectangle is selected, these values specify the column and row limits to be processed. |
Mira Pro x64 8.73 User's Guide, Copyright Ⓒ 2024 Mirametrics, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.