Radial Profile Properties

Radial Profile Properties control computation and display of radial profile plots. This tool is closely related to the FWHM Measurements tool, as the FWHM calculation is made as part of the radial profile plot. These properties can be changed globally, to make default settings for new image windows, or locally, to affect radial plots only from the specific window. The default properties dialog uses a profile control to save and recall parameter sets for use by future image windows. Local properties affect only the specific Image Window for which they are changed.


Radial Profile Properties

Profile [|>]

Selects the parameter profile for this command and allows you to save or work with existing presets.

FWHM Properties


Fitting Radius

Sets the radius over which the Point Spread Function is fit

 Auto Centroid

Check this box to cause the Radial Profile to be computed using a centroid position as its center. If not checked, the Radial Profile uses the image cursor position as its center.


Opens the PSF Fit Properties dialog for setting advanced fitting properties. See below.

Centroid Properties


Centroid on

Selects the direction of intensity profile used for calculating centroid positions. This is measured from the pixel values and is not affected by the choice of display settings, such as the palette or contrast.

images/bullet_marked.png Positive Points

images/bullet_marked.png Negative Points

Selects whether to centroid on positive-going values (peaks) or negative-going values (valleys).

Sample Radius

Defines the distance from the target point within which pixel data are used to compute the centroid position. A reasonable radius value is approximately half the diameter of a point source image.

Tracking Radius

Defines the maximum distance from the current position that Mira will search in the next image to lock onto a new position. This is only used when tracking objects through an Image Set.

Related Topics

Setting Application Properties

Radial Profile Plot

PSF Fit Properties

FWHM Measurements

FWHM Properties

Mira Pro x64 8.73 User's Guide, Copyright Ⓒ 2024 Mirametrics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.