Pixel Value Editor

The Pixel Value Editor command gives you direct access to the pixel data (the actual values of pixels) using a table editor. This command opens, for viewing or editing, the region of the image outlined by the Image Cursor. In this window you can simply view the values by (column, row) coordinate or you can edit the pixel data directly and then save the changed values back into the image. The related Set Pixel Value command can also be used to change 1 pixel value at a time but does not display the current values. To display small region of pixels that tracks the moving Image Cursor, use the Pixel Table Pane.

You can resize the column width by dragging the vertical separator bar between column headings. To minimize the column widths, right-click on the table and use the Optimize Grid Columns command in the pop-up menu.

As shown above, the table's central column and row are shaded to indicate the center of the image cursor. If you scroll the pixel table, you can always return to the central position by looking for the shaded column or row in the table. In addition, you can use the button to re-center the table.

Multi-selection Mode

Some operations used Multi-selection mode. This mode allows more than 1 table cell to be highlighted at the same time. To enable or disable multi-selection mode, right click on the table to open the context menu. If the Multi-selection command is set to [off], click on it to toggle it to the [on] state, or vice versa.

Pixel Editing

A powerful capability of this command is to allow the pixel values to be changed, or "edited". You can edit individual values anywhere in the table, or you can copy a particular value from one (column,row) location along a column, row, or region extending from that point.


Editing the pixel table does not edit the image. To apply the table changes to the image, you must use the [Apply] button and then save the image to a file.


Procedure for editing a single pixel

  1. Click on the cell of interest.

  2. Change the value to the new value.

  3. Leave the cell to accept the change. The cell changes color to show it was edited.

  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 to make all desired changes to the pixel data.

  5. To replace the changed pixels into the displayed image, click[OK].

  6. To permanently save the changed image to a file, use one of the standard File Save methods.

Procedure for duplicating a point, column, or row to other cells, columns, rows, or a region

Note: This procedure requires Multi-selection mode to be [on]. You can verify this by right clicking on the table to open the context menu.

  1. Mouse down on the starting cell at one end of the target column or row. This is the cell containing the value you wish to extend into other cells.

  2. Drag the mouse to the ending cell and release the mouse there.

  3. Right click on the table to open the context menu. In the menu, click the mouse the command that lists the direction you want to copy the starting cell. The commands listed change according to the direction in which the region was marked. The changed cells change color to show they were edited.

  4. To replace the changed pixels into the displayed image, click [Apply].

  5. To permanently save the changed image to a file, use one of the standard File Save methods.

Editing examples

Related Topics

Pixel Table Pane

Set Pixel Value

Image Coordinate Systems

Image Cursor

Point Measurements

Mira Pro x64 8.73 User's Guide, Copyright Ⓒ 2024 Mirametrics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.