Opening & Saving Files
The commands below open, create, and save data to and from View Windows which contain an image, plot, tabulated data, text, or a script. These commands are typically located in the view window's File menu and some are located on the Main Toolbar.
The File > New menu command creates a new, empty document. This command is provided for the Text Editor, Script Editor, and Report Windows.
Open is the standard Windows Open command which opens a variety of Mira file and document types.
Save & Save As are standard Windows commands for saving to files.
Saving Image Sets describes the File > Save Image Set menu and its commands for saving an Image Set to a file.
Open Table in Excel opens a copy of Microsoft Excel and copies the contents of a grid window into a new Excel sheet.
There are several ways to close a View Window:
When a view window (e.g., Image Window, Plot Window, etc.) is top-most, that window may be closed using either the [X] button on its title bar or its File > Close menu command. Note that some window types have an option in the General Properties dialog (Ctrl+R) that requires a confirmation dialog if you attempt to close a window containing changed data.
If more than one view window of the given type is open (e.g., multiple plot windows), you may close all such windows at once using its File > Close all <Type> Windows menu command where <Type> refers to the type of the view window. Using this option overrides the closing confirmation dialog if that option is enabled in the General Properties dialog (Ctrl+R).
Use these command to open and save images that are in nonstandard image formats. These are located in the Image Window's File menu. These are also available from the left-most buttons on the main toolbar.
As described in Command Dialogs, Mira has two types of command dialog: an immediate form that works with the top-most Image Window and a global form that allows images to be selected from various sources. Global command dialogs use the Select Source Images facility to gather images for the command.
Mira Pro x64 8.73 User's Guide, Copyright Ⓒ 2024 Mirametrics, Inc.
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