Image Set Applications
The Image Set protocol makes it easy to perform the same type of processing or measurement on a group of images. Often the images are related, such as being a time sequence showing change. Or you may have a group of images of the same target field that will be combined into one image of higher signal to noise ratio.
Quantify an image property, such as region statistics or FWHM, for a group of images.
Examine the time evolution of some phenomenon captured in a sequence of images.
Compare and contrast images to search for artifacts or detect changes.
Search for extremely weak signals by using the brain's ability to separate signal from noise in an animation sequence.
Register Images into an aligned set.
Improve the quality of an image by combining many separate images into one.
Examine changes in image properties, such as the CCD bias value, for a collection of images.
Perform the same type of calibration or processing on many images.
Make aperture Photometric Measurements on a time sequence of images
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