Examples of Row Plots

The figures below show variations on Row Profile plots that can be easily made using Mira 7. The same methods can be used to create and work with column profile plots. As with column profile plots and histogram plots, row profile plots use the image cursor to define the region of points to plot.

The row plots shown below are created using commands in the Image Window's Plot Menu and Context Menu, and from buttons on the Image Plot Toolbar when an image window has the focus. These plots show a single image but an entire image set can be plotted by changing the state of the button on the Image Bar.

Start with the Target Image

These plots use the image shown below. This image is with other sample images in the folder "<Documents>\Mira Pro x64\Sample Data". The image cursor outlines the region of interest containing points to plot.

Plotting a Single Row

The next figure shows a simple row plot for a single row at the middle of the image cursor. There are various ways to create this plot:

Plotting the Mean of all Rows

The next plot shows the mean row obtained by averaging all the rows inside the image cursor into a single plot series as shown below. Various averaging modes are available, including mean, median, and sum; these are selected from the drop-down menu or from the other menus mentioned previously. To create this plot, click the down-arrow and select Mean Row. If Mean Row is not shown in the menu, use the Averaging Mode > Mean command to change the mode and then select Mean Row.

Plotting the Median of all Rows

The next plot shows the median row obtained by combining all the rows inside the image cursor into a single plot series as shown below. For each column coordinate, x, the values at the same x in parallel rows are combined by the median to produce the plotted value. To make a median plot, click the down-arrow on the button and select Median Row. If Median Row is not shown in the menu, use the Averaging Mode > Median command to change the mode and then select Median Row.

Plotting All Rows and Plot Animation

The next figure shows all rows plotted together in Overplot mode. This plot was created using the Range of Rows command in the drop down menu of the button. The colors of the various plot series are set on the Plot Properties page. All plots could have been assigned the same color, such as black, or a different line width.

The next plot shows the same range of rows with the window switched to one of the animation modes using the Plot Context Menu. These modes show one plot series at a time, allowing you to step or animate through the plot set. This effectively sweeps upward or downward through the rectangle outlined by the image cursor. To change the mode, right-click on the plot window to open the Plot Context Menu and then select the mode from the Plot Series Mode > submenu. Use the Plot Animation Bar on the bottom window border to step or animate the plot set.

Copying and Pasting Plot Data

Now let us combine the data plotted in 2 separate windows into a single Plot Window. To do this, click on the title bar of the Median Row Plot from above, then use Ctrl+C to copy its plot data. Then click the title bar of the Mean Row Plot we made above and pressCtrl+V to paste the median row plot into the window showing the mean row plot. We now have a plot set of 2 series in the window which can be viewed singly or together, as described above. The result looks like this:

To change the properties individual plot series after they are plotted, use the Plot Series Pane command. Here, we will change the color of the series containing the mean row plot. To do this, use Ctrl+Shift+A (or right click on the Plot Bar) to open the Plot Series Pane command. Change the series properties as desired and then click[OK] to close the window.

Now, add the Single Row plot to the same target window using the Ctrl+C + Ctrl+V method. This gives 3 plot series in the window. Open the Plot Properties window and change the color of Series 3 to green as shown below.

We now have a plot that directly compares a single row with its neighborhood mean and neighborhood median.

Related Topics

Plot Windows

Tutorial: Creating Plots from Images

Mira Pro x64 8.73 User's Guide, Copyright Ⓒ 2024 Mirametrics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.