Apply Blemish Mask

The Apply Blemish Mask command corrects extended artifacts in an image by obtaining their descriptions from a blemish mask file. A blemish may be a point, column, row, or rectangular region. The blemish mask would have been created using the Edit Blemish Mask command..

Apply Blemish Mask Properties

Profile [|>]

Selects the parameter profile for this command and allows you to save or work with existing presets.


Opens the Select Source Images dialog to choose images from an image window, folder, files, name template, or a Mira File List.

Blemish Mask File

Enter a name for the blemish mask file or click [...] to browse for it.

Border Pixels


 Uniform border

Check this box to make the horizontal and vertical borders equal in length. this specifies the size, in image pixels, of the border region where good pixels are presumed to exist surrounding the blemish .

Left / Right

Specifies the left and right width of the surrounding region of :"good" pixels.

Top / Bottom

Specifies the top and bottom height of the surrounding region of :"good" pixels.

Noise (1-sigma)

Specify the noise sigma for use by a Gaussian intensity filter which replaces the pixels values with a value and random noise.

About Blemishes

Each blemish is repaired by combining the values of neighborhood pixels. The size of the repair region around each blemish is defined by the Border Pixels Properties. Pixels within this region are combined with random noise to repair the blemish. The Noise value is the 1-sigma background noise of the image. You can estimate this from the Statistics within a region of clean, uniform brightness. The quality of the repair is not critically sensitive to getting the noise value exactly right, and a value probably within 50% of being correct is usually sufficient for a good repair.

Related Topics

Repairing Artifacts and Cosmetic Defects

Edit Blemish Mask

Clean Image Set

Express Image Calibration

Cosmetic Correction Properties

Mira Pro x64 8.73 User's Guide, Copyright Ⓒ 2024 Mirametrics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.