Add Metadata
The Add Metadata command changes Changes (adds, replaces, and renames) keyword metadata when the image is opened or is saved to a FITS format file. Among its many applications, this command is useful for including static keywords not added by the camera control software, such as SITELONG, SITELAT, RDNOISE, and GAIN, AUTHOR, etc., or renaming misnamed FITS keywords such as changing EXPOSURE to EXPTIME.
The Add Metadata command configures metadata changes but does not them to an image. The metadata are applied when the file is opened or is saved to a FITS file. The option for applying metadata changes at open or save is configuring using checkboxes in the General Properties (Ctrl+R) dialog. The state of these checkboxes is shown in the Add Metadata dialog. They cannot be changed from the Add Metadata dialog.
This command is closely related to the Modify Keywords command which changes metadata of an open image.
The Add Metadata command opens from the
Image Window > Process >
Calibrationmenu in button
on the Main
Toolbar. If an Image Window is already open and
top-most, you can also use Edit > Add
Metadata from the menu of Image commands.
Add Metadata Properties
Profile |
Select a profile to save and preset the table entries. |
This check box show whether metadata changes are applied with the image is opened. |
This check box show whether metadata changes are applied with the image is saved. |
[Update] |
Click this button to commit the changes made since the dialog was opened. |
Action |
Specifies the action to take for the specified keyword. Add If the Keyword does not exist in the image header, it is added. If the Keyword already exists in the image header, its value is changed to the Value. from the grid. Rename If the named Keyword exists in the image header, its name is changed to the Value in the grid. The Comment is not used. (none) Specifies that there is no action taken for this line of the table. Use this option if you want to keep a keyword in the and its value in the grid but not apply it at the current time. |
Type |
Specifies the type of keyword as a String, Number, or Integer. These are described a separate table below. |
Keyword |
Specifies the name of the Keyword. You can use either a standard or conventional name or your own private keyword name. For list of standard and conventional keywords, see FITS Keywords. |
Value |
Specifies the keyword change to be made in the header. What is changed depends on the Action. Add (Action): The Value is saved as the new value of the keyword. Rename (Action): The Value replaces the keyword name. The previous value and comment in the image header are preserved. |
Comment |
Optionally, for a new keyword. The comment is saved only when Action=Add. The comment is ignored for Action=Rename. |
The Type of a keyword refers to the kind of value that will be saved in the image header.
String |
The keyword value is saved as a string between single quotes. The String type is also used for date, time, and angle in HMS/DMS format. Example: 'My great data' '-30:12:14.566' |
Number |
The keyword is saved as a real (floating point) number including a decimal point or exponential notation. Examples: -1.456E-12 825.421 152. |
Integer |
The keyword is saved as an integer value with no decimal point. Examples: 68455 -452 |
Logical |
The keyword is saved as a logical (Boolean) value, either T or F. The SIMPLE keyword is a typical example of this type of value. |
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