Working with Scripts
The Mira Pro Script module extends Mira's capabilities for image processing and general computational applications by adding classes and functions to the Lua language (see This provides a complete program extension facility that utilizes Mira's image and data processing capabilities as well as general computing tasks that do not involve Mira tools. Scripts are not required to use Mira's built-in image processing capabilities. For example, a script might be used to automate a complex image processing procedure, evaluate prototypes for different processing algorithms, create a 2-D mathematical simulation or model, or do something completely different, like update a semester course calendar based on the date of first class meeting.
Complete documentation on script functions, classes, methods, and other features is found in theMira Pro x64 Script User's Guide which can be viewed in several ways:
Launch the onlineMira Pro x64 Script User's Guide in a browser from any computing platform
Open the Windows-based Mira Pro x64 Script User's Guide from its desktop icon or the Help menu in Mira Pro x64.
A Lua script file is simply a text file with the .lua file type extension that Mira interprets as containing a Lua script. For viewing, creating, and modifying scripts, Mira provides the Script Editor Window, which is a syntax highlighting text editor that provides color and other markup to highlight various elements of the script. This effect can be viewed by comparing the same script file in the Mira Script Editor Window with a plain text editor like Notepad. Scripts can be created and edited outside Mira using Notepad or another editor, but must be run (or executed) from inside Mira. External editors that support syntax highlighting for the Lua language include Notepad++ and SciTE, both of which are currently available at no cost.
Scripts are run (or executed) using the [!] button on the toolbar at the top of the Script Editor Window and Main Toolbar, and from the Script Manager. Mira feeds the script text to the Lua engine, which then compiles the text to byte code and executes it. Running compiled code has benefits over interpreted scripts, including execution speed and detection of syntax errors before execution begins.
To open a script from a file, do one of the following. These actions load the existing script into a Script Editor:
Use the File > Open command (Ctrl+O) and choose Lua Script File (*.lua) from the File Types drop box. Select the script file and click [Open].
Click the down-arrow on the button on the main toolbar, and select [Script Manager]. In the Script Manager
dialog, select a script and click the [Open] button.
Select a .lua file from the MRU (Most Recently Used) files list at the bottom of the File menu.
Drag a .lua file from Windows Explorer and drop it onto the Mira window.
There are several ways to run a script. Use the method that is appropriate:
From the Main Toolbar, click .
From the Script Editor window, click .
From the Script Manager, click [Run].
Directly from one of several Mira window types, including Image Windows, Plot Windows, Grid Windows, and Measurement Panes that contain a Grid Control.
Scripts are saved to text files with a lua file extension. You can choose to save
scripts in the ...\Mira Pro 8 x64\Scripts
folder tree or
anywhere in your file system. If you choose To save them outside
the ...\Mira Pro 8 x64\Scripts
folder tree, then they
will not be accessible from the Script Manager. To save a script,
use one of the following methods:
To Same file: Use the File >
Save command (Ctrl+S ) or the
To Different file: Use the File > Save As command.
To create a new script, do one of the following. These actions open an empty Script Editor:
Execute the File > New command (Ctrl+N) and select Script Document as the new document type. Double click the document type or click [OK] to create the new script document.
Click the down-arrow on the button on the main toolbar, and select [Script Manager]. In the Script Manager
dialog, click [New].
NOTE: It is often easier to create a new script by opening an existing script, modifying it, and saving it with a new name.
Mira Pro x64 8.67 User's Guide, Copyright Ⓒ 2023 Mirametrics, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.