Saving Image Sets
Image Sets present a different requirement for saving that is not a familiar Windows procedure. Since an Image Set is a collection of images in the same Image Window, there are a number of specialized commands used To save them at once. To save only the active image of an Image Set (i.e., the visible one on front of the stack), use the familiar Save & Save As commands.
Image set saving options are available from the
File > Save Image Set submenu and
from the main toolbar using the button's drop
Save All saves all members of the Image Set using their current names. This is the Image Set equivalent of the Save command. It uses the Ctrl+Shift+S shortcut.
Save to Folder saves the image set to a different folder but using the same names. It uses the Ctrl+F shortcut.
Save with Suffix saves the image set (or a single image) with a suffix added to their file names. This command can also save to a new folder.
Save as File List saves the image names into a File List, or ".axf" file. This command does not save the images to files.
Mira Pro x64 8.67 User's Guide, Copyright Ⓒ 2023 Mirametrics, Inc.
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