Adding Plots to a Line Profile
Line Profile plots may be over-plotted with new series of plot data along the same plot line positioned at different locations in the image. Two methods are available for moving the plot line using the toolbar's Move Mode:
A perpendicular move allows the marker to
move only in a perpendicular direction so that additional line
profiles are made parallel to the original one. To select this,
check the Move Perpendicular command in the drop menu of
the Line Profile button on the
main Image Plot Toolbar.
An unconstrained move allows the marker
to move anywhere on the image. To select this, un-check the
Move Perpendicular command in the drop
menu of the Line Profile button on the main Image Plot Toolbar.
Adding Series to a Line Profile Plot
Mira Pro x64 8.67 User's Guide, Copyright Ⓒ 2023 Mirametrics, Inc.
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