Opening & Saving Files

The commands below open and save images, grids, text, scripts, and other types of documents. File opening and saving commands are typically located in the File menu and the Main Toolbar.


New creates a new, empty document. This command is provided for Text and Script documents.

Open is the standard Windows Open command which opens a variety of Mira file and document types.

Save & Save As are standard Windows commands for saving to files.

Saving Image Sets describes the File > Save Image Set menu and its commands for saving an Image Set to a file.

Open Table in Excel opens a copy of Microsoft Excel and copies the contents of a grid window into a new Excel sheet.

Working with Nonstandard Formats

Use these command to open and save images that are in nonstandard image formats:

Import Binary Image

Import Text Image

Export Image as Binary

Export Image as Text

Opening Images into Command Dialogs

As described in Command Dialogs, Mira has two types of command dialog: an immediate form that works with the top-most Image Window and a global form that allows images to be selected from various sources. Global command dialogs use the Select Source Images facility to gather images for the command.

Related Topics


Saving Image Sets

Select Source Images

Command Dialogs

Create Image Keyword List


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