List Statistics Keywords

The List Statistics Keywords command finds all the Statistics measurements saved to the image header and lists them into a Text Window. If the Image Window contains an image set, the current image or the image set may be listed according to the status of the Process Image Set flag, or button. These keywords may be removed from the header using the Remove Statistics Keywords command. If no Statistics keywords are found, this result is listed in the window.

The example below lists statistics keywords from the headers of an image set that was measured using the Mean - Alpha Clipped estimator (keyword: S_ACMEAN). The minimum (S_MIN, maximum (S_MAX), and standard deviation (S_SDEV) were also calculated for this image.

Related Topics

Working with FITS Format

Statistics Properties

Remove Statistics Keywords

FITS Header Editor

FITS Header Pane

List COMMENT Keywords

List HISTORY Keywords

Add Metadata

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