Plot Measurements

Mira provides several tools for marking, measuring, and quantifying data displayed in a Plot Window. There is no parallel set of tools for Chart Windows which are primarily used for presentation graphics.

Plot Point Measurements

Mark points in the Plot Window. Also see the Plot Marker Properties page.

Plot Line Measurements

Draw lines in the Plot Window.

Statistics Measurements

Calculate statistics for plot and image windows. The statistical estimator is listed in a table but may also be drawn as a horizontal line on the plot.

Statistics Properties

A dialog used for setting the estimator and parameters for statistics measurements.

Mark Statistic

Marks a calculated statistical estimate on the plot.

Plot Bar

Measure world coordinates in the original image data.

Plot Light Curve

Plot a light curve from the photometry results grid.

Plot Notes Pane

Adds a Notes (text window) pane to the Plot Window.

Related Topics

Plotting Images and Data

Plot Windows

Chart Windows

Plot Coordinate Systems

Plot Marker Properties

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