CStats:SigmaClipMean CStats:YpMean


The Skewness method computes the skewness parameter for a rectangular region of the image. The skewness measures the assymmetry of the distribution. If the probability distribution has equal positive and negative tails the skewness is 0. The rectangle and image must have been previously initialized for the CStats object.


nValue, Sdev = CStats:Skewness()


Suppose a CImage named I and a CRect named R exist. The following script fragment measures the skewness inside a rectangle on the image:


S = CStats:new()

-- create a CStats object

S:Init( I, R )

-- specify CImage and CRect to measure

nSkew = S:Skewness()

-- returns the skewness

Printf("Skewness=%lg\n", nSkew)

-- list the results


-- when done with S, remove it from memory

Related Topics

CStats, Kurtosis, CImage, CRect