CPlotView:GetIndex CPlotView:Count


The Add method appends the class data matrix with a point value. The point specifies x,y coordinates and, optionally, x- and/or y- error bars. See the remarks section to understand the different syntax used for each case.


nIndex = CPlotView:Add( x, y, xErr, yErr, nDrawMode )


The point is appended to the end of the class data matrix. The return value gives the index of the point in the data array.

This method has several forms:

The error bar is specified as 1/2 of the total error bar length so that the specified length is drawn on each side of the point. For example, specifying the standard deviation, sigma, causes an error bar to be drawn from (value + sigma) to (value - sigma).

After points are added, call PlotPoints to create a new plot window or update the existing plot window.

Using the Drawing Mode

The drawing mode controls whether the point becomes a marker, a line, or is a move with no drawing. By combining the 4 drawing modes,any combination of moving and drawing, markers, and lines can be combined in the same plot series. The drawing mode is available only if you specify values for the first 4 arguments. If the point has no error bars, just specify 0 for their lengths.

Drawing Modes




Draws a marker at x,y


Moves to x,y (draws nothing).


Draws a line to x,y starting from the prior point.


Draws a marker at x,y and draws a line to x,y starting from the prior point.


The following script adds points and draws them in a CPlotView. The drawing mode (5th argument) is not used.


V = CPlotView:new()

-- create a CPlotView, but not a window


-- add a point

i = V:Add(31,94.5,1.62)

-- add a point with a y error bar, get index

Printf("index = %d",i)

-- result: index = 2


-- add a point with x and y error bars


-- add 97 more points


-- plot in a new window (use () for default labels)

n = V:CountSeriesPoints()

-- the number of points in the series

Printf( "n=%d", n)

-- result: n = 100

Related Topics

CPlotView, Remove, PlotPoints