CMatrix:Normalize CMatrix:RemoveRow


The Remove method removes the CMatrix member at row n, column m.


value = CMatrix:Remove( n, m )


This method removes the member at row n, column m. If removing the element leaves a row with zero columns, then the empty row is also removed.

The type of the returned value corresponds to whatever type was saved into the CMatrix at the specified index. This may be a number, string, or other quantity.


The following script fragment removes the member at index [10][8]:


M = CMatrix:new()

-- create a CMatrix object

M:Set( 5, 4, "s1" )

-- set member [5][4]

M:Set( 12, 40, "s2" )

-- set member [12][40]

M:Set( 20, 18, "s3" )

-- set member [20][18]

M:Set( 10, 120, "s4" )

-- set member [10][120]

Printf("N = %d", M:Members())

-- result: N = 4

v = M:Remove( 12, 40 )

-- remove member [12][40]

Printf("N= %d, v='%s'",M:Members(),v)

-- result: N = 3, v='s2'

Related Topics

CMatrix, RemoveRow, Members