The SetRejDefault method sets the data rejection parameters to default values. The default parameters are automatically invoked when you enable data rejection using DoRejection.
CLsqFit:SetRejDefault( nChannel* ) |
If you do not use SetRejSigmaHigh, SetRejSigmaLow, or SetRejCycles to change the rejection parameters, then data rejection automatically uses the default parameters. The default values are sSigmaHigh = "2.8,2.8,2.8", sSigmaLow ="2.8,2.8,2.8", and nCycles = 3. For a description, see Rejecting Outliers from the Fit.
If the nChannel parameter is absent, default parameters are assigned to all channels.
CLsqFit class, SetRejSigmaHigh, SetRejSigmaLow, SetRejCycles, Rejecting Outliers from the Fit