CImageView:GetProcessSet CImageView:Last


The Insert method inserts a CImage into the list of images in a CImageView. The image is inserted before the specified index.


bResult = CImageView:Insert( CImage, nIndex )


The CImageView refers to a Mira image display window. The Image window uses an image set to display multiple images. This method inserts the CImage into the image set before the specified index. For example,nIndex=1 inserts the CImage before the first member of the image set.

This method fails if nIndex is out of bounds.


Assume that a CImageView exists and is assigned toV. The following script fragment inserts an image intoV at index 3 (that is, before the image at index 3):


I = CImage:new()

-- create a CImage

local sPath, bOk = GetFileName()

-- use the Open dialog to get a filename


-- load the image from a file named sPath

bOk = V:Insert( I, 3 )

-- insert the CImage before image 3

Related Topics

CImageView, Display, Append, CImage