CImage:CreatePixelMaskLow CImage:FiltClipHigh


The SetMaskedValue method assigns a new value to pixels at coordinates stored in a pixel mask file. One application of this method is for repairing small small defects in the form of points and single-pixel wide lines.


bResult = CImage:SetMaskedValue( value, sMaskFile, CRect=nil )


This method replaces pixels with a new value specified by the value argument. The target coordinates are loaded from a Pixel Mask File. The related ApplyPixelMask method replaces pixels with a locally computed neighborhood value rather than a fixed value.


Assume that a pixel mask file named sMaskFile exists. The following script fragment sets pixel values to -1000 at coordinates listed in the pixel mask file. The CRect argument is not used so that the entire image is available. Note: The entire image could also be used with the CRect argument after calling CRect:SetToImage:

I = CImage:new()

-- Create a CImage

I:Open( sPath )

-- Open the image from sPath.


-- apply the pixel mask


-- save the image


-- delete the CImage from memory

Related Topics

CImage, ApplyPixelMask, Pixel Mask File