CImage:KwdGetSectEx CImage:KwdSetSect


The KwdGetSect method returns the 4 values from a section type keyword. An example of such a keyword is BIASSEC, which has a value with the format '[c1:c2,r1:r2]', as in '[1030:1044,1:1024]'.


c1, c2, r1, r2 = CImage:KwdGetSect( sKwd )


This method parses the section keyword into its 4 components. If the keyword is not in the image header, then the default values 0, 0, 0, 0 are returned. No test is performed to determine if the keyword actually exists. To test whether the keyword exists, call KwdExists before this method. Alternatively, KwdGetSectEx returns 5 parameters: the 4 numeric components and a boolean status value.


Suppose a CImage named I exists and contains keyword "BIASSEC". The following script returns the region components stored in the BIASSEC keyword:

c1,c2,r1,r2 = I:KwdGetSect("BIASSEC")

-- read the keyword value

Printf( "R= %d,%d, %d,%d", c1,c2,r1,r2)

-- print the values

Related Topics

CImage, KwdGetSectEx, KwdSetSect, KwdGetNum, KwdGetStr, KwdGetVal