CImage:Exp CImage:Log


The ExtractByte method creates a new image containing a byte plane from a numeric image. For example, this creates an image consisting of the high order byte of a ushort type image.


CImage = CImage:ExtractByte( nPlane )


Suppose that a CImage I exists and has long data type. The following script fragment creates 4 new images, one each for the 4 bytes of the original image pixels:


S = CImageSet:new()

-- create an image set to hold the images

for i=1, 4 do

-- do for each of the 3 channels

  Iplane = I:ExtractByte(i)

-- extract the byte plane to a new image

  S:Append( Iplane )

-- add to the end of the image set



I = S:GetImage(1)

-- retrieve the lowest order byte plane

Related Topics

CImage, ExtractChan, Data Types