CImage:Add CImage:Addx


The AddNoise method adds noise to the pixel values inside a rectangular region.


bResult = CImage:AddNoise( CRect, sigma )


This method adds Gaussian random noise to the pixel values. The noise may be positive or negative relative to the existing pixel value. To set a pixel value plus noise, rather than add noise to the existing value, use SetRegionVal.


The following script fragment opens an image from the file at sPath, then add noise with a Gaussian sigma of 7.6 to all pixels in columns 100:200 and rows 250:350:


I = CImage:new()

-- Create a CImage

I:Open( sPath )

-- Open the image from sPath.

R = CRect:new()

-- create a rectangle

R:Set( 100, 200, 250, 350 )

-- columns 100:200, rows 250:350

I:AddNoise( R, 7.6 )

-- add Gaussian noise


-- save the image


-- delete the CImage from memory


-- delete the CRect from memory

Related Topics

CImage, SetRegionVal