CFile:delete CFile:Close


The Open method opens a file and attaches it to the CFile object.


bResult = CFile:Open( sPath, sAccessMode )


Usually, the CFile class would not be used to open images that are in formats supported by the CImage class, but it may be used to provide raw access to images.

This method can open the file in either text or binary mode for reading, writing, or appending. See CFile Access Modes.

When the script is finished with the file, it should closed using Close or the delete destructor. The latter method sets the CFile object to nil, whereas Closing the file leaves the CFile object available for continued use.


Suppose a text file exists with name sPath. This script opens it and lists its name it it was successfully opened. The name is listed using, at most, 60 characters:

F = CFile:new()

-- create a CFile object

sPath = GetFileName()

-- use Open dialog to get a file

bOk = F:Open(sPath,"w+t" )

-- open the file in append/text mode

if ( not bOk ) then

-- if not opened, then...


-- leave the script, etc.



F:Printf("Path: %s\n", F:Path(60))

-- write the path into the file


-- close the file when done

Related Topics

CFile, Close