

The ToGray method returns the gray equivalent luminance of a color triplet. The conversion is computed using the standard visual response weights (see Visual Response Equivalent Gray).


nGray = CColorRef:ToGray()

nGray = CColorRef:ToGray( CColorRef )

nGray = CColorRef:ToGray( R, G, B )


Three overloads are provided for this method; they compute the gray equivalent for the class members, a CColorRef object, or for 3 explicit color values. If you pass something other than a CColorRef or R, G, B values, such as a string or a number, this method defaults to using the class members.


The following script fragment computes the equivalent gray intensity using all 3 of the overloads:


A = CColorRef:new(255,140,5)

-- create a CColorRef with values

Printf("Gray = %.2lf", A:ToGray())

-- result: Gray = 158.19

B = CColorRef:new(A)

-- create a new copy of A


-- invert the colors of B

Printf("Gray = %.2lf", A:ToGray(B))

-- result: Gray = 96.81

Printf("Gray = %.2lf", B:ToGray(0,115,250))

-- result: Gray = 96.81

Related Topics

CColorRef, Visual Response Equivalent Gray