CSplitpath:SetPath CSplitpath:Split


The SetSubdir method appends a subdirectory onto an existing path held by a CSplitpath object. For example, you may use this method to append a subdirectory name like "\Data" or "\Backup" to the current directory specified by the path. For example, C:\MyFiles\MyFile.fts would become C:\MyFiles\Data\MyFile.fts. Use Merge to combine this component and the other components into a full path.


bSuccess = CSplitpath:SetSubdir( sSubdir )


    On success, this method returns true.

    On failure, this method returns false.


Suppose a file exists with a full path named sPath. The following script fragment creates a new path by adding the subdirectory named sSubdir:


S = CSplitpath:new()

-- create a CSplitpath object


-- set the starting path


-- append the directory with additional subdirectories


-- combine the path components


-- do something with the new path


-- when done with S, remove it from memory

Related Topics

CSplitpath, GetDir