
The SetWnd method saves the handle to a GUI window to a Registry key. The handle of the window is obtained using the GetWnd of a class object such as a CPlotView.


CRegistry:SetWnd( sName, handle )

    sName is the name of the value being saved.

    handle is the handle to be saved.


Note that the handle applies only to a specific window displayed on the Mira desktop. If you close the window for a handle and then create a new window of the same type, it will have a different handle value. Use this method when you want to fetch the handle of an existing window between scripts.


The following script opens a key specified by sKeyName and saves a string value to the Registry under the name "MyVal":

R = CRegistry:Open( sKeyName )

-- open the key and create a CRegistry object

R:SetWnd( "Window", Wnd )

-- saves the value Wnd "Window"

Related Topics

CRegistry, GetWnd