CImageView:CenterAtWcs CImageView:SetFlipFITS


The GetFlipFITS method retrieves the state of the flag that controls whether FITS format images are displayed in the traditional sense, with row number increasing upward.


bTrue = CImageView:GetFlipFITS()

    bTrue is the state of the FITS flip flag.

    This method returns true if the CImageView is configured to display FITS images in the nontraditional, flipped sense.


The CImageView class defaults to displaying FITS images in the tradition sense—"unflipped", with row number increasing upward. Use this method to check the protocol before displaying the image. See additional remarks for the SetFlipFITS method. See FITS Image Orientation.


The following script fragment saves the FITS flip flag before displaying the image, then resets it afterward:


V = CImageView:new()

-- create a CImageView

I = CImage:new()

-- create a CImage


-- load a FITS format image from a file

bFlipped = V:GetFlipFITS()

-- retrieve the flag and save it


-- change to "flipped" for this image


-- display the image

V:SetFlipFITS( bFlipped )

-- restore the FITS flip flag

Related Topics

CImageView, CImage, SetFlipFITS, FITS Image Orientation